Различни фармацевтични продукти
Дан. основа: 1,92€
Дан. основа: 6,97€
Марка: Abena
Mild and effective washing lotion. Ideal for diaper change as it removes smell and dirt effectively. Leaves a protective barrier on the skin. Contains nourishing and nursing ingredients which softens the skin and reduces irritation. Gently scented...
Дан. основа: 4,35€
Марка: Chemco
Coconut oil contains vitamin E and glycerin. Helps at the hair roots. It is astringent and suitable for oily or oily hair. Gives elasticity to the hair. It solidifies and thickens the creams. It is ideal for tanning and is a good filter of the sun's ultraviolet rays. In winter it freezes outside the..
Дан. основа: 8,32€
Дан. основа: 11,61€
Марка: Abena
For washing body and hair without the use of water. Very mild ingredients. Useful for people with extremely sensitive skin and ideal for bedbound and troubled patients. Removes unpleasent smell and leaves the skin fresh. Without perfume...
Дан. основа: 3,58€
Дан. основа: 17,42€
Aqueous oxygen solution that offers mild antiseptic, whitening and is ideal for cleaning wounds.Solution of hydrogen peroxide in water in a ratio of 3%.External topical use only...
Дан. основа: 1,94€