Aluminum Folding Walker 09-2-090 VITA.Lightweight gait aid made from anodized aluminum.Foldable anywhere for easy storage and transport.Oriental handl..
Reciprocal Aluminum Folding Walker 09-2-043 VITA.Walking aid for easy movement of the user forward or backward without having to lift the walker off t..
Stable Aluini Walker 09-1-000 VITA.Stable construction from anodized, reinforced aluminum, light type.It has plastic handles and non-slip footrests.It..
Aluminum Folding Walker with Wheels 09-2-092 VITA.Lightweight gait aid made of aluminum, on wheels.Foldable for storage and transport.Eastern handles...
Used by orthopaedic surgeons to measure the range of movement of joints: elbows, knees and fingers.With circular scale used to check the size of hip j..
Exclusive 3 wings ward screens with sturdy structure in oval tube (30 x 15 mm), painted with epoxidic powder metal grey.Made in Italy.• Width: 60 + 60..
High quality stethoscope with stainless steel chestpiece, stainless steel double inner spring binaural and durable, elegantly moulded PVC tubing for u..